Gearing up for ALDI Edcamp!

A new professional development opportunity is in the works…and its coming to the ALDI 2013 Symposium!

Get ready for ALDI edcamp-the first “unconference” for resource teachers in the province!

What is an unconference? Its a movement that is changing the way we think and experience professional development as teachers. Essentially, an unconference is driven by the participants, who prepare presentations or discussion topics beforehand but announce and schedule them the day of the conference. Anyone attending can host a session or discussion-all you need is the desire to learn from your peers and the willingness to lead and guide a discussion. Its an interesting model for resource teachers, as we all have a wealth of knowledge and strategies that we would like to share.

For more information on the edcamp movement and to see it in action, check out this short video:

If you will be signing up for the ALDI edcamp at the ALDI symposium 2013, these are the pre-requisites:

  • Be interested in learning from your fellow teachers in an active discussion.
  • Come prepared to lead a discussion about a topic, project or PDIG you have completed, area you would like to explore, classroom strategy or instructional methodology that you would like to learn more about.
  • You do not have to be an expert in the topic, just be willing to lead a discussion.

Looking forward to seeing you there!