ALDI’s new coordinator has been in place since February 24th, 2020. Heather Scott has 20 years of teaching experience and has worked as a literacy consultant for two of those years. Some of her passions include pedagogy, inclusive co-teaching models, learning communities and reaching struggling readers through research-based practices.
Since February 24th, the new coordinator has been:
- Working collaboratively with consultants, via digital platforms, to build targeted intervention workshops in the area of literacy and numeracy.
- Building resources and professional development material to support new-to-resource teachers.
- Building professional development material to provide specialized training to resource teachers.
- Building resources to collaboratively lead Response to Intervention initiatives.
- Adapting professional development to on-line platforms and ensuring that all proposed activities adhere to social distancing guidelines.
- Collaborating with LEARN to update the ALDI website in order to improve communication and access to resources.
- Please take a look at the redesigned ALDI homepage. Go to ALDI homepage.
- The topics in the Resource Library are being grouped for convenience, and now include brief descriptions to enable efficient searching. Go to the Resource Library
- Please take a look at the redesigned ALDI homepage. Go to ALDI homepage.
For all inquiries or to plan professional development at your school board, please contact