


Self-Reflection Tool What Can I Work on as a Reader

Reading- Teaching with Purpose from Shapes of Mind by Inclusive Schools Network (ISN)


Self-Reflection Tool What Can I Work on as a Writer

Writing- Teaching with Purpose from Shapes of Mind by Inclusive Schools Network (ISN)

Continuum of Spelling Development from Shapes of Mind by Inclusive Schools Network (ISN)


Oral Reading Fluency Profile from Shapes of Mind by Inclusive Schools Network (ISN)

Oral Communication (Talk)-Teaching with Purpose from Shapes of Mind by Inclusive Schools Network (ISN)


Literacy Guides for Adolescents

Assessments to Guide Adolescent Literacy Instruction

Effective Instruction for Adolescent Struggling Readers

Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for Adolescents Grades 6 -12

Real Manuals for Real Teachers: Reading Strategies for Special Populations

Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively



Guide pour l’enseignement du francais langue seconde au secondaire

Guide ontarien du nouvel enseignant: Persévérer et progresser dans la classe de francais langue seconde. 

FRANCOLAB: Videos, images, quizzes and fiches pédagogiques on topics relating to life in Quebec and Canada A bilingual online platform with resource collections in French to support teachers, students and parents to improve their experience of French as a second language in and out of school.

Par ici is a French learning method entirely developed by Quebec teachers.

Portfolio scolaire des langues par Université du Nouveau-Brunswick

Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues et différenciation