
This section is divided into two parts for your convenience. Although there may be overlap, the websites and resources are categorized under two headings:

1-Instructional resources/Intervention

2-Tools to provide Targeted Intervention

1-Instructional Resources/Intervention

Canadian Language & Literacy Research Network

Evidence-based toolkit for teaching reading and writing, Kindergarten to Grade 6 (Canada, 144 pages).

CELA Centre for Equitable Library Access

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CELA is an online public library service for Canadians with print disabilities.


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DONA offers accessible digital content that can be purchased for students with perceptual disabilities (sensory, physical or neurological).
With its catalogue of Quebec novels, textbooks and workbooks compatible with reading assistive technology tools, DONA is a Quebec-based site dedicated exclusively to providing accessible digital material.

MEQ Référentiel d’intervention en lecture et écriture

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Texas Centre for Learning Disabilities

The instructional strategies resource book is designed for classroom teachers to use with students who are at risk for reading difficulties. It can also be used in intervention by remedial teachers. When students struggle with learning to read, they need additional instruction focused on the areas causing them difficulty.

Download the free Reading Strategies and Activities Resource Book.

The resource book contains instructional strategies grouped by “big ideas” and contains lesson plans to integrate subskills for each of the big ideas into daily instruction. (p. 401-415)


Knowledge Matters Campaign

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The goal of the website is to expose the plethora of research pertaining to background knowledge and its impact on reading comprehension. This done through a podcast, videos, and examples of ELA Curriculum that incoporate knowledge building.


Phonics Faux Pas

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This short article clarifies seven misconceptions about early phonics instruction.

Vocabulary & Morphology

Academic Word Finder

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The Academic Word Finder highlights suggested Tier 2 vocabulary words in a text that has been uploaded by a teacher. It also indicates a suggested grade level for introduction. The teacher has final say to select the words or not based on subsequent lessons and content. This tool is free, but requires a sign-up.

Can Do Kids Academy: Word Sums and Picture Books

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This site contains word sums that align with specific picture books.

Mini matrix maker

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The mini matrix maker allows you to visually create word sums. This helps students understand how English words are built and are interrelated.

Root Repository by Jason Wade

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Jason Wade adds a new PDF word card every Monday. Download the PDF to build up a collection of root word, their meanings, and examples of words that share the meaning of the root. In addition to helping students increase their vocabulary, this morphological tool can also be used to teach spelling.

2-Tools to Provide Targeted Intervention


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Cubed 3 is free for download. It contains two research-based screening and progress monitoring tools that assess decoding, language comprehension, and reading. The assessments are designed for students in Pre-K to Grade 8. You can find more information on the Narrative Language Measures (NLM) and Dynamic Decoding Measures (DDM) assessments by using the web link above.

Target the Problem

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This document will help teachers and parents understand the problems a child may be having with reading (phonological and phonemic awareness, word decoding and phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and other sources) and target what can be done to help.

When Kids Can’t Read by Kylene Beers-Summary

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This summary, based on the book by Kylene Beers, helps secondary teachers identify their students’ reading problems. The summary then offers practical strategies to target what can be done to help struggling readers.