Puzzle Pieces


What is ALDI?

ALDI (Advancing Learning in Differentiation and Inclusion) was created in 2005 to assist the English sector in Québec to provide support and professional development for resource teachers in the province. The project also included the professional development needs of classroom teachers with regards to a collaborative school-based resource team approach.

Today, this provincial project directly supports resource teachers, classroom teachers and other school professionals in the area of special education within the English sector in Québec. The project has a strong focus on the application of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Response to Intervention (RtI).

Mission Vision Our School Boards AND PARTNERS

Project Coordinator:

Heather Scott
Advancing Learning in Differentiation and Inclusion (ALDI) Project Coordinator
Coordonnatrice du projet ALDI
Avancement du savoir en enseignement différencié et en inclusion


Inclusive Education Services