Online Articles

This section contains websites that offer articles on various topics pertaining to education.

Apprenants en difficulté et littératie (ADEL)

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This site, out of UQAM, contains French research articles and blog posts on literacy.

TÉLUQ-Développement Professionel Efficace

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This French website provides 5 basic principles necessary for effective professional learning.


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Haskins Global: Trusted Online Resource Library for Educators

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This site contains free trusted online Science of Reading resources for teachers (and parents) that has been curated by researchers. Watch the short video hosted by Dr. Maryanne Wolf on how to navigate the website to gain resources, organized by skill and appropriate for each stage of literacy development. A downloadable summary poster has been created in PDF format for each stage of development. The site also contains podcasts and videos.

MEQ documents

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The following link contains a compilation of MEQ resources pertaining to students with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning disabilities. The documents are in French and English (when available).


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