Specific Learning Needs

In this section, you will find resources to better understand and assist students with various learning needs.

Centre for Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Canada (CADDAC)

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The CADDAC site contains information on ADHD across the ages, assessment and diagnosis information, and resources such as videos and podcasts. The Understanding ADHD tab contains a drop down menu. By selecting In Education from this menu, you will access a section called Classroom Accommodations. This section will provide you with teaching strategies and accommodations for your students.

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Resources:

The DLD Project

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Raising Awareness of DLD

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Dylexia Myths

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Nadine Gaab, Ph. D, along with her team of researchers have created the Gaab Lab. This site contains a wealth of resources, including 31 myths about dyslexia and a thorough explanation debunking each of them.

LD at school

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This Canadian site contains a wealth of knowledge on various learning disabilities. The learning modules are of particular interest when looking to explore a specific topic. Learning module topics include Helping Students with LDs Navigate Secondary School, Fostering Advocacy for Students with LDs, An Introduction to Learning Disabilities in the Classroom, Technology For All, An In-Depth look at Executive Functions, and more.

Working Memory Webinar by Todd Rose

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The Role of Working Memory in 21st C. Education