ALDI Update-June 2022

ALDI-June 2022

As the 21-22 school year ends, I cannot help but reflect on the influences of the pandemic and the school team shortages. As with many of my colleagues, my position was adjusted to address the pressing needs within schools. For those that had ALDI events canceled, thank you for your flexibility and understanding.  Returning to the classroom was an enriching experience and one that will influence and strengthen all ALDI workshops.

Resource Summer Symposium-Important Updates and Deadlines

Today is the last day to register for the Resource Summer Symposium scheduled for July 4th and 5th, 2022. So far, over 100 participants have registered for the free online event! Join us by using this link to register: The link also contains presenter names, session details and times.

If you have already registered for the symposium, you should have received a confirmation email on June 21st. A final email will be sent to you in the form of a digital flyer by Thursday, June 30th.

Fall Professional Development

The topics addressed at the Resource Summer Symposium will kick-start a 2022-2023 inter-board learning community. An email with dates and details will be sent to participants in August.

As we move into the summer holidays, plans for next fall are being confirmed. To start the year, here are some suggested workshop topics:

  • Inclusive Co-Teaching Models
  • Key Features of Reading Development and teaching routines (Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, High-frequency words, etc.)
  • Differentiation (flexible pedagogy, adaptations and modifications of QEP expectations)
  • Role of the Remedial Teacher
  • Increasing the understanding of the Universal Design for Learning principles to reduce barriers to student learning within the classroom.

Should these topics (or others) seem right for your resource teacher network, do not hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy the kick-off to summer, tomorrow’s Fête Nationale du Québec festivities and a well-deserved summer vacation!

Contact information: 

ALDI website 

Social Media 

@ALDICoordinator (Twitter)
Contributor to the Inclusive Education Services Quebec (IES) Facebook page