Category Archives: Numeracy

ALDI/LEARN web event: Math problem-solving techniques for students with different learning needs

Its a new school year and we’re announcing the first web event of the year, in collaboration with LEARN.

Join us September 21st at 3:30 PM for an in-depth look at problem-solving techniques for students with different learning needs. Kim Desmarais will present “Schema Based Instruction – Teaching Children with Different Learning Needs to Successfully Solve Word Problems.” Kim will discuss her ongoing research in the Department of Research and Clinical Psychology at Concordia University, as well as her work with students and resource teachers within our school boards.

Never attended a web event? Its easy and its from the comfort of your own classroom, or anywhere else. Let the learning come to you!

Sign up hereWe’re looking forward to seeing you online!


Multi Ethnic People Holding The Word Math