ALDI Edcamp, a session provided at the ALDI Symposium this year, was a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other in a relaxed, but highly engaging environment.
If you’re not familiar with the Edcamp movement, check out our previous post on “What is an Edcamp?”
Our participants (a great representation of teachers from all of our boards as well as the private sector)
came to the session ready to discuss their topics. And what a HUGE variety of topics-from the role of
the resource teacher, to the integration of new assistive technologies and mobile devices in the
resource setting, to Universal Design for Learning, to best teaching practices for students with
learning disabilities…and many more. We had excellent discussions surrounding these topics,
and input from a wide range of teaching backgrounds as well as years of experience provided us with
very unique perspectives. All in all, a great success!
If you are interested in bringing an Edcamp to a resource teacher network meeting, or planning a
larger event within your school board, please contact the ALDI coordinator.
Check out our feedback board with exit cards (above) to see what we learned, and what we’d like to know more about!