The LEARN/RECIT team headed to our annual gather of tech integration consultants to share and learn collaboratively together. This year we wanted to be on the cutting edge, thus we offered a workshop on Artificial Intelligence (A.I) in the Classroom. We introduced three platforms that students can tinker with to learn the nuts and bolts of A.I. Our participants were eager to see our session, we had a pack house!
Our focus was on introducing Google’s Teachable Machine platform, we looked at Scratch Lab’s facial recognition block, and then dove into using a Micro:bit to train a movement via ML-Machine.
Our Padlet has all the resources we shared. Here’s our presentation of the session. Great fun to be had!

Participants training the computer as to how an uppercut moves vs. a straight jab

Participants had to figure out how to attach the Micro:bit to their item they were gonna train.

Participants training the computer with a sword