This is a post co-written by Julie Paré and Ben Loomer

Selon un Rapport de sondage sur l’insécurité alimentaire — 30 novembre 2020, « le tiers des Québécois éprouve des difficultés financières dans un des besoins de base. Depuis mars, environ un cinquième de la population québécoise structure davantage sa consommation et porte une plus grande attention aux manières d’économiser à l’épicerie. » Depuis le début de la pandémie, les Québécois ont changé leurs habitudes de consommation pour des raisons économiques, environnementales et sociales.

When Julie and I participated in a webinar with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), we learned about the incredible “amount” of energy it takes to grow food (labour, fuel, water, and fertilizers) and the energy it takes to produce and transport food to a grocery store. Knowing all of this, I can no longer justify my old habits of letting good food go to waste in my fridge. I have to make a greater effort to put my own energy into using the food I buy.

Que Faire ? Make une différence at home

What’s in your fridge Ben? What needs to be saved?
I had these 3 big apples that I had picked during the Fall. I had thrown them in my backpack on a few hikes but they were never eaten. They developed a big bruise, so they were not eaten. Finally, after weeks of watching my apples slowly wither – I made an apple and blueberry crumble. It was great! I felt very proud of myself. I never look at the back of my fridge the same anymore.

Tools to use at home:

Faire une différence auprès de nos élèves

N’est-ce pas fascinant de constater qu’une fois qu’on a appris quelque chose de nouveau, c’est l’occasion de changer, de s’améliorer ? En tant qu’enseignant.e.s, nous avons également la chance unique d’influencer nos élèves pour qu’ils soient conscients de leurs choix et de leurs actions. Faisons notre part en réduisant notre propre gaspillage alimentaire et en sensibilisant nos élèves à la perte et au gaspillage de nourriture !

La Commission de coopération environnementale (CCE) a créé une Trousse d’action anti-gaspillage alimentaire pour les enfants et les jeunes afin de les sensibiliser aux conséquences du gaspillage et de la perte d’aliments. Le guide propose des activités pratiques pour réduire le gaspillage de nourriture à l’école et à la maison et pour encourager l’adoption de nouveaux comportements.

Ben, what’s your favourite kids activity from kit and why?

I love the Celebrating “Ugly Food” activity (kids and youth). The idea is to make a comic book or an action movie poster featuring a funny-looking vegetable that saves the day. I just feel bad for the “ugly” vegetable – just because the carrot looks funny does not mean I should not eat it. It’s not nice to exclude!

Be a food waste scientist with the Garbology activity

I’m a big believer in hands-on learning and a waste audit is a great way to figure out how much food is being thrown out at home or at school. It can also show how much packaging is being used. What I also like about this kids and youth activity is that it sets up a benchmark for students to see how changing their habits has a direct impact upon the amount of food wasted.

Empower students to come up with solutions – Learn and take action in the home, school, and your community!

#ShrinkFoodWaste #ReduceTonGaspillage

LEARN is proud to partner with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s (CEC) #ShrinkFoodWaste #RéduisTonGaspillage awareness campaign to address the problem of food waste in North America. We love that 3 countries in 3 languages are taking action on this problem of food waste.

La Trousse d’action anti-gaspillage alimentaire de la CEC propose des activités pratiques pour réduire le gaspillage de nourriture à l’école et à la maison. Notre site bilingue présente la trousse d’action, des ressources et des vidéos pour sensibiliser les enfants et les jeunes.

For more info, visit our website!

Faire une différence en achetant localement!

Make a difference by celebrating local food producers!

Image Credits:

Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s (CEC)